How I Cleaned Up a Large WHMCS Log Table Step by Step

If you use WHMCS, chances are you’ve run into large tables bogging down your database. Recently, I had a massive tbllog_register table and other log tables ballooning to hundreds of megabytes, causing performance issues in tickets and order processing. In this post, I’ll show you the exact steps I took—using AI chat guidance—to clean up

Complete Guide to WHMCS Database Optimization and Cleanup

Complete Guide to WHMCS Database Optimization and Cleanup Introduction Managing a WHMCS installation can become challenging as your database grows over time. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of optimizing your WHMCS database, cleaning up unnecessary data, and ensuring your billing statistics are accurate. Common Issues and Solutions 1. Cleaning Up Old

WHMCS Migration and Troubleshooting Guide: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Introduction This guide covers the complete process of migrating WHMCS data between installations and resolving common issues. Whether you're upgrading your WHMCS installation or moving to a new server, this guide will help you navigate the process successfully. Table of Contents Understanding WHMCS Database Structure Data Migration Process Handling Payment Gateways Common Issues and Solutions

The Role of IT Solutions in Improving Customer Support

Customer support is more significant today than it ever was in this fast world run through digital technology. The customer expects a quick response to his/her problem and a good resolution too. This role goes to IT solutions in bettering customer support. For that reason, using technology can streamline processes and enhance communication, ultimately providing

By |2024-09-28T09:50:38+00:00September 28th, 2022|Categories: IT solutions|Tags: , |0 Comments

The Role of IT Solutions in Supporting Remote Work

Generally, today's fast world sees more companies embracing remote work. Employees benefit from working flexibility and convenience while in their homes. To be successful, however, companies need the right IT solutions; these solutions help businesses maintain their productivity level, ensure continued communication, and support collaboration. Here's the blog discussion on how IT solutions support remote

By |2024-09-28T07:25:37+00:00September 28th, 2022|Categories: IT solutions|Tags: , |0 Comments
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