With the internet penetration in recent times, you need multiple channels to reach your target group effectively. Out of the plethora of digital channels available, some are email marketing and WhatsApp marketing. Each of these varies with respect to the competence of these, but the two together can make a great strategy for marketing. Here’s how one can use both emails and WhatsApp marketing together for effective outcomes. Also, here you get actionable tips on how to start.

1. Why To Mix Email and WhatsApp Marketing?

Email marketing has been one of the trusted weapons of business for years. E-mail has only remained one of the best ways of sending relevant, personalized content that creates a relationship between you and your customers with the ultimate goal of selling. Sometimes, though, it’s pretty limited with lower open rates or lost in full inboxes.

There is almost a touch-and-go kind of communication on the other hand for WhatsApp. This open rate is sure to be pretty high when the messages go through on WhatsApp because they are seen as less so from a marketing email and rather like communicating with each person personally. Let’s combine both email and WhatsApp marketing together for the best results possible.

2. Segment Your Audience for Both Channels

The first step, however, towards the amalgamation of email and WhatsApp marketing for better results would be segmentation. Not every one of your customers will react the same way to each type of platform. Some will prefer the information offered by email in a detailed form; others enjoy an instant connection with WhatsApp.

From here, you can build particular campaigns for the two channels aligned with preference and behavioral segmentation. For instance, you could email them the nitty-gritty details about a product or even a newsletter while sending reminders offers, or updates to users on WhatsApp at exactly the right time.

3. Content Personalization

Only through personalization can any marketing campaign be successful. Now, when email and WhatsApp marketing are integrated for better results, messages must be personalized both on these channels. Use data of past purchases or browsing history by customers to tailor messages.

In the email campaign, you have personalized content based on the interest of your customer, but in WhatsApp, you allow direct messages to the one who is concerned, which is much more direct. The more directly that you send messages to your audience, the more they are likely to engage with your message.

4. Carry Your Message Consistent Across Your Channels

Email and WhatsApp marketing go hand in hand. You would want messaging to be consistent between these two channels so that the customer gets a constant experience. For example, in case you are running a sale, ensure the promotion details are consistent on email and WhatsApp.

Remember, though, that the usage in each of these channels differs. Your message may be richer and include pictures in an email, but a WhatsApp message must have fewer words and perhaps fewer images. This balance will help you ensure that your message is being acted upon and understood within the channels.

5. Automation Saves Time

Marketing automation will smoothen efforts when you align email marketing with WhatsApp marketing for better results. You can send triggered messages based on what customers do automatically using the automated workflows. For example, automate a WhatsApp follow-up of inactive customers who have not opened your email or who abandoned their shopping cart.

Time-saving: Automatically, your audience is going to get the right content at the right time, as emails are normally opened within minutes of receiving it. Such portals have email marketing also which integrates with WhatsApp; you can work with both platforms with a single dashboard.

6. Urgency to Conversion

The sense of urgency is one of the good ways to use email marketing and WhatsApp marketing together. There would be an advantage of email marketing by providing information about the product in detail, while WhatsApp would be by sending offers or promotions more immediately. For example, you could send a WhatsApp message with a flash sale or a limited-time offer, which forces the customer to decide at once.

This will nudge the customer to take swift action toward completing the sale, thus increasing the chances of sales and engagement in your campaigns.

7. Track Your Performance

Monitor your performance across both email and WhatsApp to monitor where you are doing well and where you are not so great. Measure performance based on such things as opening rates, click-through rates, and even conversion. Compare the data to what you need to work with and what you might have to change.

Use the data to see how each channel contributes toward your goals. If your WhatsApp messages are opening at higher rates but still have low conversions, you’ll probably need to make adjustments in messaging. Your emails have higher engagement rates that’s the case, you could increase the frequency of those emails. Use this data to tweak the strategy for better results.

8. Seamless Customer Journey

Whenever you are merging email and WhatsApp marketing, a joint customer journey is required for better performance. Whereby, these two platforms must collaborate to guide the customer to realize the buying process, such as when you send an email with all the details of a product and then follow up on the same with a WhatsApp message offering some special discount or reminder.

Such an approach ensures the comfort of movement through every step of the conversion process; it enhances the propensity to effect conversion and keeps your brand in their minds since they are continually being communicated through every platform.

9. Account for Customers’ Preference

While combining both email and WhatsApp marketing can be a powerful cocktail, it is also deemed essential to respect the will of your customers. Some customers would want to communicate via e-mail while others find it better to communicate on WhatsApp. Always ensure that you give your audience a choice on how they would want to receive communications from you.

Giving the audience a chance to communicate with you will make your marketing efforts customer-friendly and avoid having your messages treated as intrusive.


Combining the email and WhatsApp marketing approach is one good way to make it better in your campaigns. This way, you can capitalize on the strengths of each talk to your audience better, improve your conversions, and deliver a much-needed seamless customer experience. Segmentation, personalization, and automation help make proper efforts on both approaches at the same time.